for elementary and intermediate levels
School of Turkish is happy to announce we will organise a new free workshop on 20th December 2022 for elementary and intermediate levels.
Please check the details below and register for the workshop by filling the form in.
Date: Tuesday 20th December 2022
Time: 18.30-19.30 (UK time)
Topic: Compound words
In this workshop we will analyse some compound verbs and nouns. For example: hisset- (to feel): hiss + etmek, reddet- (to reject): redd + etmek, dedikodu (gossip), cumartesi (saturday): cuma + ertesi etc.
Handouts and all notes taken during the workshop will be sent to the attendees after the workshop.
Don't miss this opportunity!
If you have any questions contact us!
+44 7767761831
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